September 12, 2018 - Library and Weight Room are officially closed.
September 13, 2018 - The upper parking lot is temporarily torn up and not available for use Mondays through Saturdays at this time. It will be temporarily available for use on Sundays. However, it will have a gravel surface in some areas.
September 20, 2018 - Major renovation changes begin upstairs October 1st, so please check back next week for multiple room changes for Sunday, September 30th.
September 26, 2018 - For those who are able, please continue to park in the upper level so visitors and those who can not easily access stairs can park in the lower level.
October 4, 2018 - Beginning this Sunday, October 7th, we will begin using the new upper level entrance! For those who wish to use the balcony, please access it from the stairs in the Worship Center.
SundayClass Changes
Sunday, September 16, 2018 - Third and fourth grade Sunday school classes as well as
His Kidz Worship will meet in the gymnasium.
Sunday, September 23, 2018 - First through sixth grade Sunday school classes will be meeting in the gymnasium. His Kidz Worship will continue to meet in the gymnasium as well.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - All children classes as well as the teen guys' Connect Group will be meeting downstairs. Those children in RA's and GA's should meet at the gymnasium for room assignments. Teen guys' Connect Group will be meeting in the café.
Sunday, September 30, 2018 - For first service, first through sixth grade Sunday school classes will continue to meet in the gymnasium. Students in 7th-12th grade will meet in Room 203. For second service, His Kidz Worship will continue to meet in the gymnasium. Coed 1, Mark Maloy's class will meet in Room 203. College and career class will move to second service and will meet in Room 204.
Sunday, March 24, 2019 - Grades 1-6 will be meeting in the remodeled area upstairs!!!