Special Events TBA |
ExcitingThis is a Family Focused ministry during the school year for ages 4 (by July 31st) through 6th grade. We begin with families all together for a high-energy opening session with worship & other activities. Parents are welcome to stay with their children or are also invited to join in on our parent group that meets in the cafe. Everyone finishes the evening together for some closing activities, prayer, and a challenge for the week.
EngagingEvery 4-5 weeks, we use a different theme. Each theme is built around a storytelling method that puts kids in the middle of the storytelling action. Our methods are interactive, fun, and utilize a variety of learning styles. Because of this, His Kidz Family always stays fresh, keeps kids engaged, and helps them grow in their faith regardless of how they learn best.
Family FocusedA major point of emphasis for this ministry is FAMILY. Our desire is to spark God conversations that will carry on through the week as our families do life together. Parents will have the unique opportunity to worship, learn, and grow WITH their kids in this ministry.
Sundays 5:30-7:15pm during the school year
5:30p: Opening - A high-energy time for parents and kids to worship together & learn about the evening's activities
5:50p: Parents are welcome to stay with their kiddos, or attend our Parent Group that meets in the cafe.
6:50p: Closing - Parents & Kids join together for a concluding time of worship, activity, and prayer.
5:50p: Parents are welcome to stay with their kiddos, or attend our Parent Group that meets in the cafe.
6:50p: Closing - Parents & Kids join together for a concluding time of worship, activity, and prayer.
Age Groups
Childcare available for babies through age 3 for parents who serve or participate in the parent component
For Parents
Parents begin and end the evening with the kids in the auditorium. During station time, parents are welcome to travel with their children or attend one of our on-campus community groups! Community Groups are built to foster relationships as we discuss what God is teaching us through the sermons, Bible readings, and life in general.